I live in Cividale a small town and here it snows often then every cultured that snow is falling down there is a magical atmosphere.

I took a few photos.


snow (4)

snow (5)


snow (6)

snow (3)


snow (2)

snow (7)


snow (8)


snow (9)

snow (10)

snow (11)


snow (12)

snow (1)

MAGIC !!!!

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  1. How beautiful! It is magical.

  2. Your town looks beautiful. I’m sure you see a lot of snow living as far north as you do. We have not had much snow this year in New York, but more than last year when we only had one snow storm. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Beautiful images. The “half-snow” statue is especially interesting.

  4. sofagirl says:

    Magnifico! And not go indoors and have a grappa and a hot coffee!

  5. carol says:

    So very pretty – quaint – love it. Enjoy the snow. We are having our January “thaw” right now and are enjoying it. We still have snow on the ground but a lot of it has melted making way for the next bout. Pretty pictures.

  6. Gina says:

    Magical indeed! I don’t get snow where I live, but I always love looking at it.

  7. Ho vissutto due anni en Rovereto (Trentino-Alto Adige) tanti anni fa. You have woken up lovely memories for me with your photos!

  8. It *is* magical…makes me want to see it in person!

  9. What gorgeous snow-covered pics!

  10. Oh, how beautiful! Thank you so much for the pictures. If I could,I would be there in a heartbeat…my grandparents came from Italy and my husband’s grandfather was Slovenian,(the grandmother was Croatian). We should see the beauty…but how could we bear to come back here???

    • albertocook says:

      It’s true Italy is very beautiful with its history its places and its tastes, but living here has become difficult for many reasons.L Italy is beautiful just for the holidays (unfortunately).I’m thinking of moving out of Italy (Canada would be a dream) to give a future to my daughter.

      • People overseas have the wrong perception of this side of the world,Alberto.I was duped into moving where I am now because of a job offer for my husband from an old friend of the family, but it was the wrong thing to do.We have not done well because we are not from this region; we are the same color and religion as them, but there is no chance to do well because of old family ties and long-standing understandings and deals with each other.Much dishonesty.I encountered that once before when I moved to another state, as well, only a certain religious group controlled that area.”Fairness Laws” are not followed, and in many places, work laws are not.There ARE laws, but no one follows them; like it or leave and there is not any help.
        Believe me, if you have family there, try to stay.Things are going bad economically, too. I would say more, but i must go.God give you wisdom.

  11. Ciao, Alberto – as you quite rightly said at the end of all your lovely pictures MAGIC !!!

  12. I just looked at your remark about wanting to leave Italy. We want to move to Italy, Tuscany, but…… Believe you me, there are difficulties anywhere in the world and the “grass is not always greener on the other side”

    • albertocook says:

      I know there are problems everywhere, but here are the key things.One must always be careful someone doesn’t face the cunning.If you want to get something there is no meritocracy but only if you know someone get something,And many other problems more ugly I don’t want to say but are there, crying her heart to me to leave Italy but as a parent I have to think of my little girl.Tuscany is a very good choice, and people are very nice.

  13. gotasté says:

    i love little towns like this and your pictures are simply gorgeous.

  14. That is pure magic 😀

    Choc Chip Uru

  15. petit4chocolatier says:

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Definitely magic. Beautiful 🙂

  16. cakewhiz says:

    i hate the cold but i love snow! ironic…right? lol
    your pictures are beautiful…it looks like a winter wonderland 🙂

  17. It very seldom snows in Seattle, so whenever it does it is cause for celebration. Hooray for winter!

  18. Amy Tong says:

    Beautiful pictures there! Yes, very magical and gorgeous. 🙂 Stay warm and enjoy the winter.

  19. Italy looks a lot better in snow that the UK. Where are all the crashed cars and jack knifed lorries?

  20. I love the church tower.

  21. Marcella Rousseau says:

    Che bella foto! Complementi! Abbiamo neve ad Indianapolis, Indiana anche.

  22. sethsnap says:

    Alberto–Beautiful photos. I would love to visit Italy sometime.

  23. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    So pretty… growing up in Japan, sometimes we had snow in winter. Now I’m in SF, there is no snow unless driving up 4 hours. I’m so jealous now. 🙂

  24. tokyohamster says:

    Omg that’s such an adorable little town!! It seems like such a quaint and homey place to visit 🙂 Although the snow is beautiful, I’ll wait until it gets warmer!

  25. ohhhoney says:

    you make me want to visit Italy… I have never seen real snow before. Look forward to visiting!

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